Epic's Unreal Engine is a Piece of Crap

EPIC Games is well known for their hit game Gears of War, but they also license out the rights to use their Unreal Engine 3 to other developers. Unfortunately after paying $55 billion for the rights to the engine, many developers are finding that it "sucks a wet fart out of a fat chick's stinky ass" to quote Albert Einstien.

The first company that realized this was Silicon Knights who have been working on a game called Too Human for like 18 years. They recently sued Epic Games because nobody bought their crappy game and they wanted to blame the shitty Unreal 3 engine for it. Silicon Knights claims that certain assets of the engine are being withheld from them. What are they referring to exactly?
...Epic's Legendary Pubic Hair Pixel Shader Model 3.67
We recently contacted Epic, hoping they would enlighten us on why they are keeping it for themselves. Only after threatening CliffyB with a real chainsaw we got some answers.

GamePlop - "Why are you keeping the Legendary Pubic Hair Pixel Shader Model 3.67 for yourselves?"
CliffyB - "Well, Gears of war 2 is gonna raise the fucking bar man."
GamePlop - "Care to elaborate?"
CliffyB - "No."
GamePlop - "Are you sure?" *revs chainsaw*
CliffyB - "Ok ok, its for the ultra amazing shower scene with Marcus and Dom..WE ARE BRINING UNPRECEDENTED LEVEL OF DETAIL HERE, and those fuckers making Too Human aren't going to get shit from us.
You are gonna see everything in 1080p, its uber hot"
GamePlop -"KTHXBYE"

Is this the first lawsuit to come against Epic for their Unreal Engine 3, only time will tell, after all the only good looking game using the engine is Hour of Victory.
We here at GamePlop are also looking forward to Gears of War 2 even more after this interview.